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Smart AHU Systems with EC fans

With A Spark for Innovation and the experience of working with Ziehl-Abegg, we have grown excellence in developing customized EC fans and drives our AHU retrofits applicable for Airports, Metros Rail stations, Hotels, Data Centres, Malls and Pharmaceutical with assured Power savings of atleast 50% on electricity bills.

Traditional motors run fans at much higher load than the actual requirement due to captive design load. SMART AHU systems run like a complete solution package to ensure system operations with at least 30% power savings over conventional AC drives.

Our Goal – To Conserve Energy For A Better Tomorrow
Intelligent EC fans and motors for Air Handling Systems to optimize power consumption and reduce our Carbon Footprint. European Union Leaders have mandated 55% reduction of Green House Gas Emissions by 2030. Our AHU’s are committed, focused and aligned to help Energy consumers achieve this target.

Efficient EC fans and drives

EC fans for AHU with WellsafeTech control are available in wide range of frame sizes. With subtle changes in technology, combining multiple system efficiencies, precision control, and real-time monitoring, we present a most efficient system.




Smart features

  • Aerodynamically efficient CFD design.
  • Capable of withstanding different corrosive environments, humidity and temperature.
  • Motor Efficiency at a varying load of 92-95%.
  • Free from dysfunction and faults associated with pulley, shaft, and belt.
  • Motor Efficiency full load >95%.
  • Power Factor at drive level close to unity.
  • Fast, responsive, maintenance-free system.
  • In-built smart control system minimize waste.
  • Quieter than conventional systems, providing maximum comfort.

Why EC system is more acceptable than ac system?

The conventional fans consist of components like belts, motors, pulleys, which imparts inherent losses from each component. Moreover, the traditional motors run at much higher load than the actual requirement due to design limitations.

EC systems for AHU run like a complete solution package to ensure system operations with at least 50% power savings over conventional AC drives.

International certifications

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