
Workplace: Designing The Awe-Factor

Workplace: Designing The Awe-Factor Designers today are finding inspiration in workplace design from many sources. From recent aesthetic trends, to ethnographic research that examines how people use space, to generational demographics that reflect social and lifestyle changes – every aspect plays into creating and shaping the next generation of work space. That said, the most […]

Mid-Century Modern: A Timeless Office Design

Mid-Century Modern: A Timeless Office Design Mid-Century Modern is Making a Comeback in Office Design AMC’s Emmy-Award winning drama “Mad Men” may have drawn to a close several years ago, but that doesn’t mean that the show hasn’t retained some staying power. In even the most contemporary and innovative of offices, we are seeing mid-century […]

Tech Products to Make Your Office Smarter

 Tech Products to Make Your Office Smarter The success of the Internet of Things has brought many Internet-connected devices into office spaces, offering the potential to improve the workplace experience. New technology is consistently being released to solve specific problems and offer more productive ways of doing things, like cleaning, making coffee and managing spaces. […]

Pros and Cons Of An Open-space versus closed-space offices

Pros and Cons Of An Open-space versus closed-space offices Open-plan offices have firmly established themselves as an enduring design and layout, but many businesses are converting to closed-space offices or combining the best of both worlds. Each particular layout has its own benefits and drawbacks, and some layouts and combinations work better for certain businesses […]

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