Designing Your Digital Workplace

Organizations that adopted or are willing to adopt a digital workplace offer an increased access to technology, allowing coworkers to collaborate constantly, enhancing their efficiency and leading to an enhanced customer satisfaction. In this article, we are going to look at this from a different angle.


The numerous benefits that are offered to businesses when adopting a digital workplace, like enhanced communication and collaboration, mobility, and ease the process of searching and finding information, are strongly influenced by the way you design your digital workplace environment.




When it comes to your digital workplace design, one of the main aspects that should be undertaken by your organization is branding.


Branding is a means for an organization to differentiate its services or products from the rest. A unique name, great PR and/or advertising or images are some of the tools an organization has in hand to do so.


Branding offers organizations the opportunity to shape the desired image or perception consumers will have in mind when thinking about their products


Customizing the look and feel of your intranet will boost your employee’s engagement, give them a sense of belonging but also will make sure that you use that opportunity in the case of an extranet implementation as well.


Develop Application Integration


According to a 2014 study conducted by Teknion, organizations increasingly offer workplace mobility programs to support going digital. In fact, they found out that it generates about 30% of savings for the selected organizations. One of the main challenges that organizations are facing when designing their digital workplace is a poor integration of these technologies with business software applications (like CRMs and ERPs).


Workflow Automation


Employers used to rely on workflow formulas to measure employee’s productivity (think charts, graphs, etc.). Today, organizations use workflow automation solutions to coordinate the activities between workers, measure production and help make work completion as efficient as possible i.e. digitizing workflow formulas into your computers.


Your production will gain in efficiency through collaboration tools and workflows for your team.


Have an Open Workspace


The digital workplace, even though mainly influenced by technology, is also about the work environment surrounding collaborators. Even though technology plays a significant role in designing your digital workplace, the importance of your organization’s’ physical workplace layout should also be considered. According to the previously cited Booze & Company study, organizations that are striving for an optimal digital workplace usually hold offices that are too cluttered which can limit employee creativity and morale.


Adopt a Human-Centric Approach


The productivity of workers is impacted by their tools effectiveness. Even though a poorly designed system automating can impact productivity, the issues they face can be solved with a better purpose of the solutions they use. However, when people use digital collaboration tools, organizations need to address a more complex dynamic between the people and the tools. To succeed in creating a productive environment and reducing friction, organizations should absolutely understand the context to address productivity.


A human-centric approach to designing and implementing your digital workplace will not only reduce the project failing, but it will also ensure your productivity outcomes.
In this increasingly digitalized world, embracing a digital workplace is becoming more common for businesses that are aiming to be up-to-speed. Taking into consideration not only the technology of your digital workplace but also its design should allow you to build a steady open workspace.
Designing Your Digital Workplace

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