Since childhood, we’ve memorized designated lunch times, glancing at the clock every five minutes until freedom and food. As workers, the cafeteria …
For everyday workers, and the rise of remote careers notwithstanding, there is little time left in that equation to focus on their …
What type of lighting is best for modern offices? There is no single answer to this question. The ideal lighting design will …
Wall murals are beloved by tech companies, start-ups, and modern businesses of all kinds. And for good reason! A dynamic wall mural …
Modern technology has become a total phenomenon for civilization, the defining force of a new social order in which efficiency is no …
Implementing activity-based workplace(ABW) design in your company If you are like most organizations beginning to move to this new way of working, …
But first, what are the latest trends to consider for co-working space designs? Sound architecture, perfect lighting and fresh air to breathe …
Maintaining a firm grip on your organization’s space management is critical for surviving the evolution to a digital workplace. if you experience …
In 2018 and 2019 commercial interior design was all about the vintage-industrial and corporate kindergarten concepts. These standout concepts were widely applied …
Is there anything worse for morale and productivity than walking into an uninspired workplace day after day? It doesn’t have to be …