Author : Dreamspace

Six Signs You Need a Better Space Management Strategy

Maintaining a firm grip on your organization’s space management is critical for surviving the evolution to a digital workplace. if you experience minor heart palpitations every time someone utters the phrase, “space management,” there’s a good chance your strategy could use a little updating. Not sure whether or not you need to re-address your space […]

Office space planning concepts for the modern workplace

Is there anything worse for morale and productivity than walking into an uninspired workplace day after day? It doesn’t have to be that way. Your team can be inspired, have the privacy they crave, and get their work done with one—or all—of these must-haves features for today’s modern office space.    Strike the right balance. An […]

The Power of Physical Space: Designing for Focus Work.

“Physical space has the power to cue (and sustain) good habits like focus work,” “But the spaces have to be designed with intention and purpose.” While much of the work space design you see today focuses heavily on collaboration, the ecosystem of a successful office environment is built on a carefully constructed balance of task […]

Design Tips to Promote Well Being in the Workplace

If you want to achieve an office culture with happy and engaged employees, begin by reevaluating your physical workplace. The working environment, where about ninety percent of people’s time is spent, matters more than you might realize. Initiating an effective design is necessary for facilitating employee well being and productivity. Here are some ways to […]

“Resimercial” Design Trend In Today’s Workplace

WHAT IS “RESIMERCIAL” OFFICE DESIGN? A combination of “residential” and “commercial,” the resimercial approach brings aspects of home into the contemporary work space. With today’s “always on” mentality, Office Insight suggests that creating homelike environments – where we truly enjoy spending time – is one way to accommodate the increased demand placed on employees. The […]

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